Top 3 Meals For Bodybuilding

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Top 3 Meals For Bodybuilding


muscleWhich diet is the best to increase muscle mass? It is quite common to come across these or related questions. Many people put lots of hours at the gym but only gain a bit of muscle mass if any. There is the other lot that spends lesser time but is constantly increasing mass. So, why the difference? The answer is FOOD. The latter is always consuming meals that boost muscle growth. The following are the 3 top meals for body building:

1. Eggs

Eggs stand out as the top food for bodybuilding. They are regarded as the muscle builder’s complete food since they contain all the necessary nutrients. Eggs are rich in high quality proteins which are a must in adding muscles. The egg white also known as albumen has the highest concentration. They also contain about nine amino acids which play an important role in promoting the growth of muscle. Other helpful compounds include choline (healthy fat that provides energy), vitamin D, minerals, calcium and more.

2. Lean Beefmuscle2

Lean beef is undoubtedly one of the top 3 meals for bodybuilding. It comes with a wide range of essential nutrients which include zinc, vitamin B, iron, and amino acids. It also contains lots of proteins, and not just any protein but high quality type which helps in boasting muscle growth. Furthermore, it has a very low calorie count meaning that it only contains small amounts of fats and carbohydrates. A serving of 3 ounces of lean beef contains about 150-160 calories. The amount of protein provided by a 3-ounce serving is similar to 1.5 cups of beans. However, the lean beef only contains half the calories.

3. Skinless Chicken

Skinless chicken is also a very good source of high quality proteins and amino acids. The skin contains lots of fats and carbohydrates and this is why it’s removed from the chicken. Considering that it is white meat, many bodybuilders view it as a safer option to red meat. It also contains other essential nutrients which include calcium, vitamins, iron and more. Calcium helps in the growth and repair of bones and cartilage, while amino acids work with insulin to boost growth of muscle.muscle3

The above foods play a vital role in increasing muscle. Nonetheless, it is also important to follow the right routine and diet plan. Taking too much of one meal will not necessarily accelerate muscle gain. It is advisable to talk to a nutritionist or bodybuilding expert to find out what is best for your body and nature of training. Increasing muscle mass is as simple as consuming the top 3 meals for bodybuilding, dedication, determination, and patience.