Key Things About Skin Cancer Surgeries

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Key Things About Skin Cancer Surgeries

surgeons doing skin cancer surgery

Skin surgery may be performed on a patient for various reasons, including removing precancerous skin growths and cancerous cells. In case a patient gets positive results for skin cancer, for example, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Squamous Cell, or any other, the specialists can cautiously and expertly remove the affected area. Skin cancer surgery experts operate the patient under local anesthesia or any other form of anesthesia to excise small or large growths on the skin.

Here are some crucial things about skin cancer surgeries you need to know:

Types of Skin Cancer Treatments

a skin surgeon

A patient’s treatment plan for skin cancer depends on the type and stage of cancer, the location, and the size. Once they look into those factors and others, the healthcare experts may recommend one of the standard treatments. These include:

  • Mohs surgery: It involves removing the growth layer by layer while examining each of the layers under a microscope until no abnormal cells are seen.
  • Cryotherapy: Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the growth, and then the tissues are destroyed as the thawing happens. It is typically used for precancerous lesions and small skin cancers.
  • Excisional surgery: It involves the surgeons doing an excision using a scalpel or a sharp razor to shave off or cut a growth from the skin. Typically, the treatment could leave a scar. The specialists could perform one of the different types of excisions on the patient, including simple, shave, or wide excisions.
  • Photodynamic therapy: the specialists use laser light and medication to terminate the cancer cells
  • Immunotherapy: the method involves applying cream to the skin to stimulate the skin to kill the cancer cells.

Things to Expect During Skin Cancer Treatments

When undergoing surgical excision, usually, the patient will not feel pain during the entire procedure. However, as the excision happens, a slight pushing sensation or pressure may be felt when the surgeons make the incisions. While there may be some discomfort, the patient does not experience pain.

The length of time it takes to have the procedure completed depends on several things such as the growth’s size and location, amount of tissue to be removed, and the patient’s general health. If the cancer is deep into the skin, the doctor will remove a wider part of the neighboring healthy skin. And such cases need surgeons to extend suturing to those parts excised.

It would be best to get well-experienced surgeons to perform skin cancer surgery on you and observe all the necessary procedures to ensure there are no problems.