Ear Cleaning Tips

The ear is a very delicate organ. Cleaning it requires a sober mind. A simple mistake and you are in trouble. Today, I want to teach you the proper way to clean your ears. Let me make it clear from the outset that this is a task that should be done by a professional. However, you can try it at home on your own as long as you can trust yourself to be extra careful. Consider the following tips.
Wash the Outer Part of the Ear First
Start cleaning your ears from the outside. Use a soft, damp cloth to clean your earlobe. If you are a fan of cotton swabs, you can use them, but only on the outside. Once your earlobe is clean, you can now think of the inner, more delicate parts.
Use an Ear Wax Softener
Moving inside the ear, you need to exercise more caution. If you want to remove your ear wax, consider how thick it is. It may be too thick to be easily dislodged from your ear canal. In this case, you can use an ear wax softener to melt the wax and make it easy to remove. If you struggle with a thick wax, it will leave your ears itchy and bruised.
Remove Ear Wax Sparingly
When we talk about cleaning the ears, we are not talking about removing the ear wax. Ear wax lubricates and protects the inner part of the ear from mechanical damage. You may, therefore, clean out what your ear needs for it to work properly. Focus on removing foreign objects from the ears rather than the ear wax. If you can do so without removing the ear wax, the better. You will only need to remove earwax if it has accumulated to the level of blocking the ear canal.
Don’t use Sharp Objects to Clean the Inside of Your Ear
Never put a sharp or pointed object inside your ears in a bid to clean them. If you do so, you will open a can of worms. You can easily lose your sense of hearing. I should say here that you should not insert anything inside your ears. Not even cotton swabs are good for your ears. If you use cotton swabs to clean the inside of your ears, you are digging the hole deeper (pardon the pun). Cotton swabs push ear wax deeper into the ear canal instead of pulling it out. Just use a suitable mineral oil or commercial ear wax softener to soften the ear wax then rinse it out using warm water. Get the help of a professional ear and throat specialist where necessary.
One thing that you may not be aware is that while it is good to clean your ears, it may not be necessary. The ears have a natural self-cleaning mechanism that keeps the ears clean. It is therefore very wrong to hurt your ears when you are doing something that is not necessary. Instead of taking risks, why not let professional ear cleaners do what they are best at? There are several ear cleaning clinics that can help you make your ears clean and healthy at all times. You should be a frequent visitor to such clinics.